Thursday, July 26, 2012

I have it all wrong (some reflections on my Africa trip)

It's been a while since I have lasted blogged, my bad.  I wanted to get some of my thoughts on paper because they have been bouncing in my head over the past 3-4 days and I don't think I can continue to keep them in.   
I recently returned from a trip that I took to Rwanda, Africa.   I was there for about 10 days and worked with a ministry called Africa New Life.  (  It is a ministry that focuses on breaking the cycle of poverty in Rwanda through proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ and through compassion works of education, food, clothes, and other basic needs.  It is a solid ministry that is transforming the country of Rwanda one person at a time.   I really respected the ministry for different reasons, I guess that might be another blog post four months down the road.  :)
The trip was great,  I got to love on some kids, made some awesome friends from Portland, and I realized I need more Lime Fanta in my life.  God showed up in big and small ways and I feel our team was blessed in many different ways. 
One thought that couldn't escape me was my observation of the Rwandans faith.  It was so simple yet powerful.  They actually took the Word of God at face value and believe it.   I have read about God's promises and character over and over in the bible, and yet I continue to doubt, worry, and wonder.  I envied their faith.  I envied their desperation for more of God.  I kept thinking to myself I want a faith like that.  What was stopping me from having it...

It wasn't even a full day in America when it hit me... I have it all wrong!!!!  When I was on this trip, I kept feeling sorry for the Rwandan people.   I felt bad that they didn't have any running water,  I felt bad they had to live in dirt floors, I felt bad because the church or the country of Rwanda didn't have all the resources, luxuries, and money we have here in America.   Yet, the whole trip I kept running into believers and locals who were experiencing joy, happiness, and contentment that I have not seen in America.   The resources, luxuries, and money we have here in America do not produce as much spiritual fruit as just the simple all out desperation for God.  I know this to be true because I am experiencing it right now. 

My worldview is changing thanks to this trip.  The way I live in America is totally in the minority with how the rest of the world lives.  The Lord is showing me how to simplify my life.  He is slowly stripping away desires and passions I had in the past for things of this world and helping me see the true beauty in a simple powerful faith.   Just because I have all the resources in the world doesn't mean my faith will grow anymore. 

Bottom line is that I want a passion and hunger for God that comes second to none in my life and I am realizing more and more that it happens in the simpleness of our faith. 

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